Types of Treatment

Numerous surgical options for periodontal issues are available from Southeastern Dental Specialists. We only resort to surgery when it’s absolutely necessary, but it is an option we offer. We’d rather stick to non-surgical periodontal therapy, for which we offer several different treatments. In some cases, these therapies will be offered in conjunction with surgery.

Learn more about our procedures, as well as other information, below:

Guided Bone and Tissue Regeneration

Periodontal disease can cause the bone in your jaw to degenerate. To correct this, we offer tissue regeneration – a surgical procedure where your gum pockets are cleaned and a membrane is added between the soft tissue and gum pockets. This allows bone to “regrow,” so to speak.

Oral Hygiene

Good oral hygiene includes everything from teeth brushing and flossing to medicated toothpaste for sensitive teeth and mouth rinsing. To help you with your oral hygiene, we recommend electric toothbrushes, fluoride toothpastes, mouth rinses, tartar control toothpastes, and anti-plaque rinses.

Bone Morphogenetic Protein

Bone morphogenetic protein is an isolated protein that induces specific cells in our body to form new cartilage and bone. We can handle surgery where this protein stimulates new cells for the production of new bone. We’d be happy to explain this grafting option to you in greater detail. Just give us a call.

Laser Therapy

We can effectively treat the problem of periodontal disease through the use of a soft-tissue laser. Our laser therapy treatments target the areas of trouble and reduce pain and swelling. Contact us for more on this state-of-the-art technology.

Cosmetic Periodontal Surgery

Unsightly teeth can be corrected through cosmetic periodontal surgery. We utilize a plastic surgery treatment to lengthen your crown, reshaping gum and bone tissue. This allows more of your natural tooth to be seen. Cosmetic periodontal surgery is a great way to create a beautiful smile!

Periodontal Maintenance

Even after periodontal surgery, you should still follow a maintenance program to keep your gums in optimal health. We can schedule you for maintenance care visits that include an examination of your mouth, measurement of the pockets around your teeth, removal of plaque and tartar, x-rays, and other examinations for your teeth. To keep periodontal disease away, work often with Southeastern Dental Specialists and stay committed to maintenance.

Women and Periodontal Health 

Periodontal disease can be common in women as a result of hormonal changes. Specifically, women are at risk of periodontal disease during puberty, menstruation, pregnancy, and menopause. The risk also increases when women are using oral contraceptives. Talk with the dentists at Southeastern Dental Specialists for advice on how to best deal with this risk during periods of hormone level fluctuation.

The Mouth-Body Connection

Not surprisingly, there’s a connection between periodontal disease and conditions such as diabetes, heart disease, stroke, and respiratory disease. Because periodontal disease is connected to bacteria that can spread and cause trouble, taking control of your oral health can prevent periodontal disease and prevent the spread of bacteria. Our dental work can help prevent serious conditions from developing.

Preventing Gum Disease

Daily brushing and flossing not only prevent cavities, but also prevent periodontal disease. We can help you learn how to effectively brush and floss, as well as avoid activities like tobacco usage, teeth clenching, teeth grinding, and more that help cause gum disease. Speak with our dentists about the best methods for preventing gum disease.

Bruxism Treatments

Many people don’t even know they are suffering from bruxism, but it’s when people are clenching and grinding their teeth at night. It is a common sleep disorder, but it should be treated. Bruxism can cause gum recession and tooth loss, as well as facial pain. We can help treat your bruxism through the use of mouthguards and NTI-tss devices. Contact our dental experts for more information.

Prophylaxis (Teeth Cleaning)

Dental prophylaxis is cleaning done to effectively clean the teeth and gums. Prophylaxis is essential for stopping the progression of gingivitis and periodontal disease. What a cleaning can do for you is remove plaque and tartar, produce a whiter smile, and ensure fresh breath. This treatment can be performed at our office.

Dental Implants

Replace broken or missing teeth with dental implants. These implants are inserted into your jawbone to give you the appearance and function of real teeth again. We will bond an implant to your jawbone, then make an impression for new teeth that will be connected to your implants. The entire procedure takes several months, but gives you like-new teeth.

Bite Adjustment

Problems with your bite can make it hard to eat. Chewing can be painful when there’s damage to your teeth and jaw. We can reshape your bite surface and eliminate pain through bite splint therapy and bite guards, adjusted to your teeth. Helping to realign your teeth will fix your bite issues.

Gum Grafting

Your gums help protect your mouth from bacteria and injury. If your gums start receding, which can happen from time to time, gum grafting will need to be done to fix the problem. We’ll install a gingival graft to fix the problem. This is a thin piece of tissue taken from the roof of the mouth to replace recessed gingiva. This procedure will fix the appearance of your gums.

When to See a Periodontist

Signs of periodontal disease call for immediate action. Call Southeastern Dental Specialists if you have bleeding while brushing or eating, bad breath, loose teeth, or gum recession. Also, lumps, sores, and reddish patches inside your mouth are a cause for concern.

Bone Grafting

Bone grafting is the act of growing bone where needed to restore the functionality of your teeth. Contact us to discuss whether or not you’re a candidate for bone grafting.

Reduction Surgery

Pocket reduction surgery, or osseous surgery, will expose the roots of your teeth to remove tartar and plaque. Our dentists will cut around the affected area of your tooth to reach the tissue that is diseased. We will clean this area through scaling and reshape the bone, then place the gums back over the remaining bone.

About Periodontal Disease

Periodontal diseases are ongoing infections of the gums that gradually destroy the support of your natural teeth. Periodontal disease affects one or more of the periodontal tissues: alveolar bone, periodontal ligament, cementum, or gingiva. There are many diseases which affect the tooth-supporting structures. Plaque-induced inflammatory lesions make up the majority of periodontal issues and are divided into two categories: gingivitis and periodontitis. While gingivitis, the less serious of the diseases, may never progress into periodontitis, it always precedes periodontitis.


Arestin is an antibiotic that is used to fight infection in your gums, killing bacteria and preventing inflammation.

Scaling and Planing

A periodontist will perform scaling and root planing after a thorough examination of the mouth, which may include taking x-rays and visually examining the mouth. The objective of these non-surgical procedures is to remove etiologic agents such as dental plaque and tartar, or calculus, which cause gingival inflammation and disease. Scaling and root planing can be used as a stand-alone treatment, or a preventive measure.

Oral Cancer Exam

The oral cancer examination is completely painless. The dentist will look for abnormalities and feel the face, glands, and neck for unusual bumps. Lasers may be used to highlight pathologic changes and can “look” below the surface for signs and lesions invisible to the naked eye. Some of the signs that will be investigated are red patches and sores. Red patches on the floor of the mouth or the front of the tongue and bleeding sores which fail to heal easily can be indicative of cancerous changes. Leukoplakia is a hardened white or gray, slightly raised lesion that can appear inside the mouth, and may be cancerous. Signs of these will be examined as well. Finally, soreness, lumps or the general thickening of tissue anywhere in the throat or mouth can signal pathologic signs and will be examined.

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